Thursday, 14 April 2011

An Explanatory Note


This blog aims to provide a daily fix of the most heinous thought crimes in the broadsheet 'fuck you, I've got connections' press, and related media.

The Daily Mail are hate-mongering scum: granted. The tabloid gutter press earned their name: well duh.

If we've come as far as 2011 and learned that much, well done, round of applause. So why do more respectable publications (well... I say respectable...) churn out page after page of sexist, xenophobic, little-Englander, narrow-sighted bile?

Fucked if I know, but here's a massive repository of it.

We'll be naming names, taking suggestions (comments enabled) and at the end of the year, we'll try and send out book tokens to the 'Most Prolific Twat', 'Most De-Contextualising Hack', 'Photographer of the Heaviest Breath' and 'Editor of the Brownest Nose'.

Now piss off.

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